

I have been on this earth for 28 years. It doesn't seem like such a long time to me, but according to my parents, I am now a spinster. Someone hand me a kitty, and I'll be the quintessential cat lady.

Or better yet, find me a womanizer, and perhaps they’d realize that I’m better off alone.

Speaking of womanizers…
I have NEVER understood how Betty and Veronica, the two bombshells of Riverdale, could fall so ridiculously for a womanizing ging with unappealing hair. Don’t get me wrong; I’m a big fan of ginger-haired boys. I find copper locks appealing… if they happen to be atop the head of a decent guy who knows how to treat a lady right.

Archie has his (arguably) good points, I suppose: he’s in a band, he’s a relatively dapper dresser, and he’s definitely a better catch than Reggie. As for his (inarguably) foul points: he is a coward, he isn’t half as entertaining as Reggie is, and he is a cheating bastard.
If you know any boy who reminds you of Archie, let me know. I could make use of a miserable rat fink to get my parents off my spinster back. 


//happy holidays to you and yours

Season's greetings, folks. May it be one of warmth, joy and safety.


//s'more galore

I am a dangerous person to be around nowadays. According to my last count, I have gotten four people sick.

I'm still hacking and coughing up a storm, but I do feel much better. I think it helps that I've been spending most of my time browsing through food blogs. I'm still unsure as to what I want to cook up during Christmas, but I'm pretty sure that this needs to be a part of the dessert menu:
A s'more pie! As if s'mores weren't amazing enough, there is such a thing as a s'more pie! You can thank Jessica over at How Sweet It Is for this amazing concoction (and the recipe!). I'm not all that fond of sweets, but I've got a huge weakness for the marshmallow + chocolate combo. 

It looks great when it's nice and intact, but it looks DIVINE when it's been sliced and served.

What are you planning on having for dessert during the holiday weekends?


//human behaviour

Doesn’t it just figure that one day before our craft show, I come down with the mother of all colds? I’ve been sniffling and hacking away all morning, and now I’ve resorted to clearing my throat every ten seconds, which can’t be pleasant for anyone who’s within hearing distance.

All in all, this has been a heck of a crappy way to start the weekend.

I don’t know about you, but I get some wacky cravings when I’m sick. I start dreaming about mashed potato and gravy with a big wicker basket full of Pillsbury Doughboy biscuits. I want to watch hours and hours of old school anime (Ranma 1/2, yeah!) or any show/movie with Tina Fey. And I want to bliss out on Björk music.

Yes, I said Björk music; that woman’s songs deserve their own genre.

Björk: you either hate her or you love her. I don’t know anyone who can just shrug her off. I’m still not quite sure as to how I feel about her, but I know that her music never fails to hit the spot when my body wants some auditory balm.  

Now, let us all close our eyes and zone out to “Human Behaviour.”


//rape survey? really?

Two entries in one day! I’m on a roll!

You can thank CNN for this entry. This morning, I happened to open the CNN app on my iphone, and what did I see? THIS.

What is THIS? It’s a story about a fraternity at the University of Fremont that decided that it would be a great idea to create a survey which included the following question: “If you could rape anyone who would it be?”

 Yep, you read that right: who would you rape?

 Now, I’m all for the freedom of speech. My parents moved to the States when I was a mere lass of four years in order to reap the benefits of the United States Constitution, and I’m always aware and thankful of their sacrifice. Honestly though… does the First Amendment have any say in a situation where a fraternity openly creates an online survey asking members to decide who they would rape?

Way to go, Sigma Phi Epsilon, for underscoring the stereotypes that fraternities have to deal with on a daily basis. I realize that not all fraternity members are bigamists with a penchant for forced sex, but it’s hard to make that distinction when idiots like this make the front page of CNN.

Aaaaand now I'm done with my rant. Whew, I just needed to get that off my chest. 

//cupcake toppers

I promised a preview of what we'll be selling this weekend at our craft show this weekend. Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to take pictures of our sweet new brooches, but I did steal a few pics of our cupcake toppers from our mates + rubbish store:

You can't tell me that these aren't pretty darned adorable. We have both the kitten and the narwhal in different colors and expressions, so if you're in the Capitol Hill area, you should definitely check us out.


//and we are back... hopefully

And we are back!

Sorry it took months upon months for me to finally get back on the blog train. Hopefully, this round will be a tad more interesting than my initial attempt. I adore my four current friends with a (slightly pathetic) fervor, but I can hopefully round up a few more.

Currently, Emily and I have been super busy putting together items for our first craft fair (huzzah!). I'll post up pictures of our new creations sometime next week.

We did take some time out from the craft room to buy a fake tree and decorate it with all sorts of goodies.

How adorable is the ornament in the third picture? Emily made it for me five years ago, and it is my favorite ornament in the whole entire world. We hadn't even thought to start up a business then, but I should've known that Emily's talents would one day blossom into a business venture.

As for the song of the week, I've decided to stick with the traditional and showcase some of my favorite holiday tunes. Today's is from A Charlie Brown Christmas... you know which one I'm talking about. The cartoon itself depresses me a wee bit (blasphemous, I know), but I love the tune.


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