Today isn't just Friday, it's the last day of September 2011. My, how time does fly.
To ring in October, I thought I'd travel back to the '80s with one of my personal favorites: Oingo Boingo's "Dead Man's Party." If you don't know this song, don't love this song, and don't love Danny Elfman... well, there aren't any polite words I can use to describe you.
Okay, okay, that's not nice. But honestly, Danny Elfman really outdid himself with this ghoulish tune. It's so much fun to dance to, and the lyrics are just smart.
Enjoy, and have a wonderful weekend and last day of September!
I might've come across the most amazing website ever, and I'm a bit afraid to share it with the world. However, since I'm generally a good person, I'll share the love.
I'm not sure about what the weather is like where you're currently at, but it's starting to get quite chilly here in Seattle. I've been rummaging about my storage boxes, trying to locate my bins of fall outfits.
I'm not complaining though. I love fall for so many reasons, one of the major ones being the fashion. The plaid shirts! The boots! The thick socks! My inner (pseudo) fashionista rejoices in the ability to boldly don outfits that are more suited for the great outdoors.
Here are a few articles of clothing/shoes that are on my to-buy list for this fall season:
If you don't know what KEXP is, boy, are you missing out. I'm sure every major city has a radio station that is similar to KEXP. Los Angeles has KCRW, Chicago has WLUW, Portland has KBOO, etc. etc. But KEXP is definitely something special.
Anyway, as I was saying, KEXP will begin a countdown in October for the top 500 songs of all time, and we (the listeners) get to choose what we deem worthy of being on that list.
I've already voted for my top 20 songs, which included tunes from David Bowie ("Young Americans"), The Cure ("Just Like Heaven"), The Clash ("London Calling:"), Tears for Fears ("Mad World"), Marvin Gaye ("Let's Get It On"), etc.
There's one song that I would have voted for twice (or even three times) if I could: Pulp's "Common People." I don't know what it is about Jarvis Cocker's voice that has me weak in the knees; honestly, it almost sounds like a male version of a Jessica Rabbit rasp. But I CANNOT get enough of it.
So here's to you, Jarvis. May you end up on KEXP's countdown, thereby cementing your reputation as one of the best Britpop bands. Ever.
By the by, if you're planning on voting, go for it. I believe voting ends today, so you'd better make haste!
Oh, and of course, Happy Friday. May your weekend be one chock full of lovely surprises.
Apologies for my absence this week. It's been a hectic and somewhat melodramatic few days, both personally and in general.
I would have written yesterday since I had BIG news regarding my Etsy treasuries, but I was so upset by the whole Troy Davis ordeal that I couldn't find the energy or will to blog about anything. I don't want to use this blog as a soapbox where I rant and rave about my ideologies and moral stances, but that was what I would've done if I had written yesterday.
Let's just say that I'm very saddened and disappointed by Georgia's Pardon Board.
Enough of that. Let me get back to why I was so thrilled on Wednesday evening:
We made it to the front of page of Etsy! Hurrah!
If you're worried about this week's Friday tune, fear not. It'll be on a separate post; consider it an apology for my MIA status this past week.
Happy Monday, folks. I hope your weekend was as soothing as mine was. As it rained most of the weekend, I spent it at home, just watching movies and reading books.
I went a bit nuts today and created two separate treasuries: A Yipee Ki-Yay and An Apple A Day.
I'm always looking to improve upon my treasury skills, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Today's tune is one of great importance to me. It's an old Korean song that evokes memories of my my childhood, especially my mom. It was (and I believe still remains) her favorite song from her favorite band: "To Love" by The Sunflowers.
It is a song that celebrates an ever constant, ever forgiving love. If that doesn't summarize my mom, I don't know what does. She's my confidante, my (sometimes) worst enemy, my joy and always my best friend.
the parental units
Mom, this tune's in honor of you. I know it's mid-September, but I just feel like randomly saying Happy Mother's Day. You can decide whether I'm 4 months too late or 8 months too early.
I've been on a treasury kick ever since I agreed to help my sister out by creating treasuries for her mates + rubbish store. Although it's time-consuming and a bit of a hassle, I've been able to really explore the different artists and talents that exist within Etsy. And honestly, I'm blown away.
For all you Etsy folks out there, kudos. Coming across such immense talent is both inspiring and humbling.
Unfortunately, I'm not an arteeest like the rest of you, but I do think I make a pretty neat treasury.
I'm the laziest person when it comes to my hair. I don't keep it long for the sake of vanity, but rather because it doesn't require any styling. It's usually up in a messy bun or tied in a low ponytail.
Sis, however, is the guru of hairstyling. It's not like she learned how to come up with all these styles. Just like she was born with the gift of art, she was born with the gift of twisting her hair into intricate and delicate styles that have me green with envy.
Not to be bested by someone who is three-and-a-half years younger than myself, I decided to take things into my own hands and see what Pinterest had to offer by way of my favorite hairstyles: braids.
If you happen to find video tutorials for any of the hairstyles seen above, please send them my way. You're also more than welcome to send tutorials of other styles that you think might suit me. Who knows? Maybe I'll try them and post pictures up.
The #1 question folks ask me when they are inebriated: "Are your glasses real?" Actually, it sounds more like, "Ahh yo glashes weel," but I'm quite the salty dog when it comes to translating drunk speak.
Let me use this blog as a soapbox to all you doubting Thomases out there: why yes, they are quite real, thanks. My optometrist's office, the Northwest Vision Clinic, is located in Ballard. Dr. Balter is amazing, and not just because his name's very similar to Battlestar Galactica's very own Dr. Gaius Baltar.
If you're looking for my pair, however, you're out of luck (unless you live in Korea). I purchased my pair last year when I visited Korea. $50 including the frames and prescription lenses! Hurrah!
glasses: real. lashes: fake.
I'll freely admit that I love my glasses, and I feel naked without them perched atop the bridge of my nose. However, their main purpose is to serve as vision aids.
After all this talk about glasses, I think it's only fair that this Friday's tune should come from the very dapper gentleman whose face just wouldn't look right without his signature glasses: Mr. Elvis Costello.
I wonder if Mr. Costello gets asked if his spectacles are real.
Sis is the most amazing artist in the whole entire world.
Okay, okay, I may be exaggerating a bit, but not by much. My earliest recollections of her always include sketch pads and crayons. She would be sprawled on the carpet with a scowl of fierce concentration on her face as she would draw to her three year-old heart's content.
Now, she's a bit of an artist and creates her own wedding cake toppers, cards, prints and whatnot. I'm so proud of my baby sis.
Last week, I focused quite a bit on birthdays, and I thought I was well and truly done with it for the time being. Apparently, I was very very wrong.
This morning, I learned via Google that yesterday was the 65th birthday of... wait for it... Freddie Mercury.
It's unbelievable to think what rock today would sound like without the influence of Freddie Mercury and Queen. I don't know about you, but I can honestly say that my life changed for the better the moment I watched the music video for "Bohemian Rhapsody."
It's been 20 years since his passing away, but Freddie Mercury still knows how to make a splash. I would've loved to see the parties that were thrown in his honor yesterday.
Oh, and of course, the reissue of Queen's final five albums (with bonus material!) was released yesterday, so be sure to pick them up. You bet your sweet ass that I'll be doing just.
In the spirit of googling birthdays, I decided to see which musical artist had the birthday of September 2nd. And boy, oh boy, did I land on a gold mine!
Today appears to be the birthday of Steve Porcaro, the rock keyboardist and vocalist for Toto. I have always been obsessed with "Africa," arguably one of their best songs. Friends don't understand my long abiding love for "Africa," but it's such a compelling song.
Why don't I let you judge for yourself:
"Sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti." C'mon, that's deep.