
//i dream in technicolor


apparently, for the next eight months, i will most likely experience vivid and weird dreams. 
i dreamt yesterday, and although i can't quite recall its content, i do remember the beautiful splashes of hues and saturation. as a person who rarely remembers any of her dreams, this was akin to being handed a giant strawberry-flavored popsicle on a bright, humid day. 
wade tells me i whimpered throughout the night, and i like to believe it was because i was having a stupendous dream, and i knew that it would end once i woke up. 
whatever the case may be, i experienced my first technicolor dream because of our li'l meatball, and for that i am grateful. i can't wait to see what else he/she has in store for me. 
for now, however, a quick list of what i've felt so far:
•sore muscles
•crazy emotional swings 


//host to a parasite

folks, it has finally happened. 

my husband and i intentionally bumped our nasty bits without protection, and we made a baby! according to the interwebz, it is currently the size of an apple seed. so cute! 


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